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Category: Orthotics

The Revolution of 3D Printing in Orthotics and Prosthetics[Draft]
The Revolution of 3D Printing in Orthotics and Prosthetics

The advent of 3D printing technology has brought about transformative changes across various industries, and the field of orthotics and prosthetics is no exception. Rebound has been taking advantage of the advancement of this technology by delivering devices that are 3D printed such as cranial helmets, prosthetic test sockets and foot orthotics.

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3D printing, Ankle Foot Orthotics, Cranial helmet, Foot Orthotics, Orthotics, Prosthetics, supramalleolar orthosis, technology

Understanding SMOs: Why Your Child Might Need Them

SupraMalleolar Orthosis or SMOs, are typically used for children who have issues such as flat feet, high arches, or other foot-related concerns. They can be an essential tool in ensuring your child's feet and ankles develop healthily and functionally.

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Happy wearing my Talee Helmet
Cranial Helmets for Babies: What Parents Need to Know

Cranial Helmets for Babies: What Parents Need to KnowAs a parent, your child's health and development are always top of mind. If you've recently heard about cranial helmets for babies, you might have questions. What are they? When are they used? And how do they work? In this blog, we'll break down everything you need to know about cranial

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Brachycephaly, Cranial helmet, Cranial Remolding Orthosis, Orthotics, Plagiocephaly

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